# VUE Links
# Frameworks that use Vue
Nuxt.js -> uses serverside rendering (req. node-backend)
vuetensils - use own css (opens new window)
element ui
tailwind ui
https://adamwathan.me/advanced-vue-component-design/ (opens new window)
electron-tutorial-building-modern-desktop-apps-with-vue (opens new window)
a-brief-review-of-vue-learning-resources-state-of-2018 (opens new window)
Qasar - create an app in 30 minutes (opens new window)
https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue (opens new window)
# Vue-Style-Guide
https://v3.vuejs.org/style-guide/ (opens new window)
eg. if a component is only used once, the name shpould be "The..." TheHeader